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ExpertJS Course Poster

Learn To Develop Real Apps & Master Advanced JavaScript With Confidence & Ease

Learn to think creatively & solve problems, get real instructor feedback, become an expert and understand advanced & modern JavaScript in depth, and eventually enjoy a fulfilling career

$147 (Your courses‘s slot)

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ExpertJS Will Help You…

  • Learn to develop real applications by thinking creatively and solving problems
  • Master JavaScript and become an expert from scratch
  • Become a more confident, capable, and proficient programmer
  • Test yourself with a coding challenge to build the front-end of a customer support ticketing app
  • Get a feedback report personally from the instructor by submitting your coding challenge app
  • Gain expertise in JavaScript so you can eventually enjoy the benefits, fulfillment, and freedom of working remotely on your preferred schedule as a developer
  • See how we complete the course's coding challenge ourselves step-by-step during a coding session
  • Learn how to plan and write code as we build 2 different apps in 2 additional coding sessions
  • Learn to apply theoretical knowledge practically as we explain our thought process while coding
  • Gain the skills needed to eventually start a career as a developer and work on projects you love
  • Build a strong foundation in JS so you can easily learn Node, React, Angular, etc. in the future
  • Go from beginner or intermediate to advanced-level quicker
  • Gain a deep understanding of JavaScript, including the complicated features
  • Understand the complex topics as we break them down in a simple, easy, straightforward way
  • Learn the modern JavaScript (ES6 & ES6+) syntax and features
  • Evaluate and verify your understanding of JavaScript with quizzes
  • Observe how we document and debug code and follow the best practices in coding sessions
  • Assist the vulnerable people affected by COVID-19 with 10% of all our proceeds for the month going to a response fund
  • Learn to develop real applications by thinking creatively and solving problems
  • Master JavaScript and become an expert from scratch
  • Become a more confident, capable, and proficient programmer
  • See how we complete the course's coding challenge ourselves step-by-step during a coding session
  • Learn how to plan and write code as we build 2 different apps in 2 additional coding sessions
  • Learn to apply theoretical knowledge practically as we explain our thought process while coding
  • Gain the skills needed to eventually start a career as a developer and work on projects you love
  • Build a strong foundation in JS so you can easily learn Node, React, Angular, etc. in the future
  • Go from beginner or intermediate to advanced-level quicker
  • Test yourself with a coding challenge to build the front-end of a customer support ticketing app
  • Get a feedback report personally from the instructor by submitting your coding challenge app
  • Gain expertise in JavaScript so you can eventually enjoy the benefits, fulfillment, and freedom of working remotely on your preferred schedule as a developer
  • Gain a deep understanding of JavaScript, including the complicated features
  • Understand the complex topics as we break them down in a simple, easy, straightforward way
  • Learn the modern JavaScript (ES6 & ES6+) syntax and features
  • Evaluate and verify your understanding of JavaScript with quizzes
  • Observe how we document and debug code and follow the best practices in coding sessions
  • Assist the vulnerable people affected by COVID-19 with 10% of all our proceeds for the month going to a response fund
ExpertJS Course

ExpertJS JavaScript Course

  • 17 Core Modules
  • 47 Video Lessons
  • 21.9+ Hours of Content
  • 9 Article Lessons
  • 7 Quizzes with 40 multiple choice questions
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Hi there,

Do you want to be able to develop real applications?

Want to become an expert JavaScript developer who can think creatively and solve problems?

Or, do you want to become a more confident and proficient programmer?

If so, then great!

Because alongside helping you achieve all those things, this course will allow you to test your actual development skills with a coding challenge and get real feedback on your work from the instructor.

If you want to enjoy the benefits, fulfillment, and freedom of working remotely on your preferred schedule as a JS developer, then you need to have a deep understanding and mastery of JavaScript.

And in this course, we’ll help you gain that mastery and expertise simply and easily.

If you’ve spent some time or money trying to learn JavaScript in the past, then you may have noticed that not all JavaScript guides and tutorials are easy to follow.

Many of these guides are hard to understand (especially the advanced stuff), and this confuses many learners because they aren’t able to grasp the idea.

And of course, in order to write code and build real apps, you need to be able to think and effectively apply JavaScript in practice; an aspect a lot of these tutorials don’t cover.

And that’s why we created ExpertJS.

In this course, we have a coding challenge for you where you’ll need to build the front-end of a customer support ticketing application.

We’ll describe the app to you and give you the back-end API with instructions, and you’ll have to write the code yourself to develop the front-end UI from scratch, just like a real project!

This will help build up your problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, and help you gain experience and confidence.

After you’ve completed the challenge, you can submit your code to us and your instructor will personally review your work and provide real, customized feedback.

This human touch is what makes this course special: every student has one exciting opportunity to get an assessment report directly from their instructor.

Alongside the coding challenge, we also have a coding session where we complete this challenge ourselves; so if you get stuck, you can refer to our solution and code.

And in 2 other coding sessions, we’ll build 2 different applications step-by-step.

We’ll start with an idea and create a plan, then we’ll jump into a code editor, write the actual code, explain our thought process, and develop the app.

This will help you understand how a developer thinks creatively and solves problems, and help you gain an insight into how to apply your theoretical knowledge in real life.

Moreover, if you want to build a fulfilling career as a JavaScript developer and work on projects you love, then you’ll likely want to learn Node, React, Angular, or other JS-related technologies.

And since these technologies are based on JavaScript, it’s significantly easier to learn them if you’re already proficient at the core JavaScript language.

And this course will help you gain that advanced-level proficiency, so you’ll have an easier time mastering these other JS technologies in the future.

Furthermore, when it comes to the JavaScript language, we’ll help you go from beginner to advanced quicker by organizing all the topics and simplifying the learning path.

This course starts with the basic, core fundamental concepts, so you don’t need to have any prior programming experience.

We then build on top of that and start getting into the intermediate and finally advanced-level topics, while still explaining everything in a simple and non-confusing way.

We’ll break down and explain the details of different JavaScript concepts in an easy-to-understand and uncomplicated manner so that you can gain a true understanding of even the more complex topics.

And when you understand complex JavaScript concepts and know how to use them, it’ll increase your confidence, skills, and proficiency as a developer.

We’ll also talk about the modern and newer JavaScript features (ES6 & ES6+) in a series of new article lessons, so you can stay updated and ahead of the curve.

And the quizzes in the course will help you test and verify your knowledge, further increasing your confidence in your abilities.

Throughout the course, we’ll guide you through some of the best practices of JavaScript too so you can write quality code that’s easier to understand and debug.

And last but certainly not least, we’re giving 10% of all our proceeds for the month to a COVID-19 response fund to help the affected vulnerable people who are a lot less fortunate than us.

So in short, we’ll help you not only master JavaScript easily but also show you how to practically use it to develop real apps so that you can become a confident expert in the field and eventually build a successful career in the future; plus, you’ll get feedback from your instructor!

Sounds exciting?

Then click on that “Add To Cart” button below right away and let’s get started on your journey…

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What you’ll need…

  • A decent computer and a good internet connection (you can use Windows, macOS, or Linux, and a good keyboard helps too).
  • A basic understanding of HTML & CSS is helpful, but you might be able to go on without it.
  • A good web browser and code editor (we’ll be using Google Chrome and Atom, respectively).
  • And most importantly: patience, the willingness to learn, hard work, practice, and a never-give-up attitude!

ExpertJS is for you if…

  • You want to learn how to develop actual working applications, how to think creatively and solve problems, and how to practically apply your theoretical knowledge in real life.
  • You want to become an expert from scratch and master advanced and modern JavaScript including complicated features like OOP, classes, prototypes, inheritance, and closures.
  • You eventually want to build a successful career with JavaScript in the future and enjoy the benefits, fulfillment, and freedom of working remotely on your own schedule.
  • You want to test and assess your skills with a coding challenge where you can get real human feedback on your work from the instructor.
  • You know a bit of JavaScript but would like to level-up your expertise and become more confident, capable, and proficient.
ExpertJS Course

ExpertJS JavaScript Course

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Here’s what you’ll get…

  • The ExpertJS JavaScript Course
  • 17 Core Modules
  • 47 Video Lessons
  • 21.9+ Hours of Content
  • 9 Article Lessons
  • 7 Quizzes with 40 multiple choice questions
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long do I have to complete this class after I enroll?

A: You can take as long as you want! Once you enroll, you will have access to all current and future course content for no extra payments or monthly charges. So you can learn at your own pace, there’s no hurry.

Q: How long will it take to finish this course?

A: The course itself has more than 20 hours of video content, plus quizzes, articles, and a coding challenge. So while it is possible to complete everything within a few days, we wouldn’t recommend that as learning so many new things so quickly may not be that effective. Instead, aim to complete the course and the coding challenge within 3-6 weeks or so. But ultimately it’s up to you and how you prefer learning.

Q: Is this course recommended for beginners?

A: Absolutely! We tried to make sure this course would be easy to understand and follow, even if you’re a complete beginner with no previous programming experience. In fact, throughout the course (including the more complex and advanced-level areas), we’ll break down and explain the complicated concepts in a plain and simple manner. So don’t worry if you don’t have any previous experience or are not tech-savvy.

Q: Can I become an advanced-level JavaScript developer if I take this course?

A: In this course, you’ll get to learn about all the main JavaScript features used frequently in advanced-level programming and development, and also see examples of how they might be used in applications. We’ll also help you become an expert quicker since this course has all the important knowledge gathered up in a single place, thus simplifying the learning process.

That being said, being an expert in JavaScript is not only about knowing the advanced features, it’s also about how much experience you have and how efficiently you can solve problems. And those require time and work, and no course can just do them for you. So while this course will give you the knowledge you need, it’s still up to you to work hard, gain experience, and become good at problem-solving; and then you can become an advanced-level JavaScript developer.

Q: How is ExpertJS Essentials related to ExpertJS?

A: The ExpertJS JavaScript course is our main flagship course for learning to build JavaScript apps and becoming confident and expert at it. And while that course will help you learn a lot about theoretical and practical JavaScript (from beginner to advanced, and from traditional to modern), we also wanted to have a more entry-level, shorter, simpler course designed to help people understand the core JavaScript concepts and how to use them to build real apps.

So we picked the core essential lessons from our ExpertJS course and put them together as a separate course called ExpertJS Essentials. So by enrolling in ExpertJS Essentials, you’ll be getting access to a portion of the lessons from the ExpertJS course. And thus the ExpertJS course has almost everything in ExpertJS Essentials, plus more advanced-level content and lessons to help you master JavaScript.

Q: How does the charity donation work?

A: We’re passionate about making a real positive impact alongside everything we do. That’s why we’ve decided to donate a portion of our monthly proceeds to a good cause. At the end of each month, we deduct all the expenses from the sales for that month, and 10% of those remaining proceeds go to charity. Currently, we’ve decided to donate to a COVID-19 response fund which helps the vulnerable and less-fortunate people. We’re trying to make a difference together, and we’d appreciate your help and support in any form.

Abraar Arique

Who’s the instructor?

Hi there!

My name’s Abraar and I’m a JavaScript programmer currently specializing in Node & React.

From an early age, I realized that I loved technology and had a keen interest in them. When I was around 12, I started learning to write code.

My first proper programming language was (as you might’ve guessed): JavaScript.

Back then, I was reading free online tutorials on JavaScript. I was trying to learn the language, but there was only one problem: I couldn’t understand or wrap my head around most of the concepts!

I had to revisit and reread the same tutorial multiple times, and finally, after quite some time, I started to grasp the idea behind JavaScript.

Something clicked inside my head and suddenly everything became a lot clearer and easier.

Eventually, I started working on real-life projects with real people. And over the years, I got a lot more comfortable with JavaScript.

Like most other developers, I learned different languages throughout my career, including some Ruby, Python, Java, and others.

But JavaScript always had a special place in my heart. It was my first and favorite. And these days I continue to appreciate it as I work on Node & React projects.

Now my goal here is to share my knowledge and what I’ve learned over the years with you.

I hope you’ll join me in this amazing experience, and I hope JavaScript will have a big impact on your life too as it had on mine!