May 8

Weekly JavaScript Quiz Questions & Answers

Here are our last 7 JavaScript quiz questions and their answers.

Answers marked green are the correct ones…

What'd be the output of this: parseInt('010', 2);

What’d be the output of this: parseInt(‘010’, 2);

1. 1
2. 10
3. 2
4. 5

True or false: Functions are a type of objects in JavaScript...

True or false: Functions are a type of objects in JavaScript…

1. true
2. false

How can you expand array 'a' inside another array?

How can you expand array ‘a’ inside another array?

1. [ a… ]
2. [ .a ]
3. [ ..a ]
4. [ …a ]

Which is the strict inequality operator in JavaScript?

Which is the strict inequality operator in JavaScript?

1. !
2. !=
3. !==
4. !===

How do you do optional chaining in JavaScript?

How do you do optional chaining in JavaScript?

2. ab?.cd
3. ab.?cd
4. ab?cd

Which is the strict equality operator in JavaScript?

Which is the strict equality operator in JavaScript?

1. =
2. ==
3. ===
4. ====

Which is the bitwise OR operator in JavaScript?

Which is the bitwise OR operator in JavaScript?

1. OR
2. or
3. |
4. ||

Keep a lookout for next week’s quizzes…

And click below to learn the 10 core concepts of JavaScript easily:

BeginnerJS: Learn & Understand The Fundamentals Of JavaScript